Italia e Estero

Putin, 'senza aiuti a Kiev, guerra finirebbe in 2 mesi'

epa11857002 Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a ceremony to present medals marking 80 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 to St .Petersburg residents - participants in WWII, on the 81st anniversary of the lifting of the siege of Leningrad, at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall in St. Petersburg, Russia, 27 January 2025. Up to 700,000 civilians are believed to have died from hunger, frost, shelling and air bombardment during the siege that lasted some 900 days. EPA/GRIGORY SYSOEV /KREMLIN / POOL
epa11857002 Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a ceremony to present medals marking 80 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 to St .Petersburg residents - participants in WWII, on the 81st anniversary of the lifting of the siege of Leningrad, at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall in St. Petersburg, Russia, 27 January 2025. Up to 700,000 civilians are believed to have died from hunger, frost, shelling and air bombardment during the siege that lasted some 900 days. EPA/GRIGORY SYSOEV /KREMLIN / POOL

MOSCA, 28 GEN - Il conflitto in Ucraina, che dura da quasi tre anni, finirebbe in "un mese e mezzo o due" se l'Occidente smettesse di sostenere Kiev. Lo ha detto Vladimir Putin in un'intervista alla tv di stato. "Non resisterebbero per un mese se i soldi e, in generale, i proiettili, finissero", ha detto il presidente russo. Putin ha detto che la Russia è aperta al dialogo, anche se non vede alcuna "volontà" da parte di Kiev, ma ha ribadito il no a colloqui diretti con Zelensky, che considera "illegittimo" perché il suo mandato è scaduto.

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