Italia e Estero

Putin sente bin Salman, al centro rapporti con Usa e Opec

epa11014297 Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) and Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud (R) attend a meeting at Al Yamamah Palace in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 06 December 2023. During his one day working visits to UAE and Saudi Arabia, Putin will talk with the leaders of the countries, together with delegations that will include members of the government and representatives of the fuel and energy complex, and personally to discuss cooperation within OPEC+, Ukraine and the Middle East. EPA/ALEXEI NIKOLSKY / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL MANDATORY CREDIT
epa11014297 Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) and Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud (R) attend a meeting at Al Yamamah Palace in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 06 December 2023. During his one day working visits to UAE and Saudi Arabia, Putin will talk with the leaders of the countries, together with delegations that will include members of the government and representatives of the fuel and energy complex, and personally to discuss cooperation within OPEC+, Ukraine and the Middle East. EPA/ALEXEI NIKOLSKY / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL MANDATORY CREDIT

MOSCA, 14 MAR - Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha avuto un colloquio telefonico con il principe ereditario saudita Mohammed bin Salman. Lo fa sapere il Cremlino, secondo quanto riporta la Tass. Secondo la presidenza russa, il principe saudita ha espresso la sua "disponibilità a contribuire a riportare alla normalità le relazioni tra Russia e Stati Uniti". Ha poi "sottolineato l'importanza della cooperazione nell'Opec+". "Il presidente russo si è congratulato con la leadership e il popolo dell'Arabia Saudita per il mese sacro del Ramadan e ha esteso i suoi più calorosi auguri al re Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud", si legge nella dichiarazione.

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