Italia e Estero

Pullman si ribalta in autostrada vicino Lipsia, almeno 5 morti

epa07349492 Emergency personnel attend the scene of a fire near the railway tracks in Unkel am Rhein, Germany, 07 February 2019. On the Rhine route between Koblenz and Bonn the wagons of a freight train went up in flames. The wagons were loaded with hygiene articles, deodorant and hair spray cans. As the flames damaged the overhead line, the railway line could be seriously damaged in the long term, according to a railway spokesman. EPA/THOMAS BANNEYER
epa07349492 Emergency personnel attend the scene of a fire near the railway tracks in Unkel am Rhein, Germany, 07 February 2019. On the Rhine route between Koblenz and Bonn the wagons of a freight train went up in flames. The wagons were loaded with hygiene articles, deodorant and hair spray cans. As the flames damaged the overhead line, the railway line could be seriously damaged in the long term, according to a railway spokesman. EPA/THOMAS BANNEYER

(ANSA-AFP) - BERLINO, 27 MAR - Almeno cinque persone sono morte in un incidente in cui è stato coinvolto un pullman che si è ribaltato sull'autostrada A9 vicino a Lipsia, in Germania. Lo riporta l'agenzia Dpa citando la polizia. Nell'incidente che ha coinvolto il bus, un Flixbus, ci sono stati anche "numerosi feriti". Il Flixbus - riportano i media tedeschi - viaggiava tra Wiedemar e Schkeuditzer Kreuz in direzione Monaco e avrebbe dovuto fare scalo a Lipsia intorno alle 10. (ANSA-AFP).

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