Italia e Estero

Porcospino entra nella lista delle specie in via di estinzione

epa10448429 A hedgehog sits at the 'Vet for Pet' clinic in Sanaa, Yemen 02 February 2023 (issued 05 February 2023). In the nearly eight years war-torn Yemen where millions of people are in the brink of famine, it's considered a luxury and few are able to keep at least a pet. Murad Jamal, 29, with a degree in business administration, turned vet due to his love for animals and opened his 'Vet for Pet' clinic in Sanaa. The Yemeni veterinarian has been in business by treating and taking care of dogs, cats, birds, river turtles, ornamental fish, hedgehogs and others for nearly 11 years, but after many foreigners who were working for embassies and organizations in Sanaa fled the war along with their pets, he struggles to keep his small veterinary clinic afloat. The country is experiencing one of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world with some 21.6 million people out of its 30-million population requiring humanitarian and protection assistance in 2023, according to estimates by UN relief agencies. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
epa10448429 A hedgehog sits at the 'Vet for Pet' clinic in Sanaa, Yemen 02 February 2023 (issued 05 February 2023). In the nearly eight years war-torn Yemen where millions of people are in the brink of famine, it's considered a luxury and few are able to keep at least a pet. Murad Jamal, 29, with a degree in business administration, turned vet due to his love for animals and opened his 'Vet for Pet' clinic in Sanaa. The Yemeni veterinarian has been in business by treating and taking care of dogs, cats, birds, river turtles, ornamental fish, hedgehogs and others for nearly 11 years, but after many foreigners who were working for embassies and organizations in Sanaa fled the war along with their pets, he struggles to keep his small veterinary clinic afloat. The country is experiencing one of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world with some 21.6 million people out of its 30-million population requiring humanitarian and protection assistance in 2023, according to estimates by UN relief agencies. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB

ROMA, 28 OTT - I ricci, o porcospini, sono in netto calo in Europa e l'Unione internazionale per la conservazione della natura (Iucn), ong con sede a Gland in Svizzera riconosciuta tra gli osservatori dell'Onu, ha classificato per la prima volta la specie come "potenzialmente in pericolo" nella sua Lista rossa delle specie minacciate. Il problema - sottolinea la ong - è l'impatto dell'uomo: "In particolare, la distruzione degli habitat rurali attraverso l'intensificazione dell'agricoltura, delle strade e dello sviluppo urbano sta portando ad un declino del riccio dell'Europa occidentale", afferma in una nota. Il riccio dell'Europa occidentale (Erinaceus europaeus) si trova anche in Italia oltre che in Svizzera, Germania, Francia, Gran Bretagna, Spagna e in alcune parti della Scandinavia. Si stima che negli ultimi dieci anni la loro popolazione si sia ridotta, a seconda dei Paesi, tra il 16 e il 33%. I ricci di solito figliano solo una volta all'anno. "Quasi in pericolo" è il secondo livello di una scala di 7 utilizzata dalla Iucn per valutare la minaccia. La scala va da "non in pericolo" a "estinto". La Lista Rossa esiste dal 1964. Oggi comprende più di 166.000 specie animali e vegetali, di cui ben 46.000 sotto minaccia di estinzione.

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