Italia e Estero

Polonia investirà 2,3 miliardi per rafforzare il confine est

epa11339725 Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk attends a press conference at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister in Warsaw, Poland, 14 May 2024. Poland will not receive any refugees under the EU's pact on migration and asylum, as it has already taken in thousands of people fleeing Ukraine and Belarus, Polish Prime Minister has said. EPA/Radek Pietruszka POLAND OUT
epa11339725 Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk attends a press conference at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister in Warsaw, Poland, 14 May 2024. Poland will not receive any refugees under the EU's pact on migration and asylum, as it has already taken in thousands of people fleeing Ukraine and Belarus, Polish Prime Minister has said. EPA/Radek Pietruszka POLAND OUT

VARSAVIA, 18 MAG - La Polonia investirà 2,3 miliardi di euro per fortificare il confine orientale vicino all'Ucraina. Lo annuncia il primo ministro polacco Donald Tusk.

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