Italia e Estero

'Piano Usa, Hezbollah lontano da confine, poteri a Unifil'

epa11606095 United Nations Interim Force (UNIFIL) vehicles patrol in Wazzani village, southern Lebanon, 15 September 2024. Displaced Syrian refugees, who used to work in agricultural fields in Wazzani village, are leaving the area after leaflets reportedly dropped by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) demanded the evacuation of civilians from the Wazzani area and surroundings by 4pm local time due to Hezbollah activity in the area. The IDF did not immediately issue an official comment about the evacuation recommendation. EPA/STR
epa11606095 United Nations Interim Force (UNIFIL) vehicles patrol in Wazzani village, southern Lebanon, 15 September 2024. Displaced Syrian refugees, who used to work in agricultural fields in Wazzani village, are leaving the area after leaflets reportedly dropped by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) demanded the evacuation of civilians from the Wazzani area and surroundings by 4pm local time due to Hezbollah activity in the area. The IDF did not immediately issue an official comment about the evacuation recommendation. EPA/STR

TEL AVIV, 22 OTT - L'inviato americano Hochstein, da ieri a Beirut, ha presentato una proposta per arrivare al cessate il fuoco in Libano, del piano parlerà il segretario Usa Antony Blinken oggi in Israele. Lo riferisce la tv Kan. Il quotidiano libanese al Akhbar, vicino a Hezbollah, riporta il documento Usa: "Lo scopo è impedire qualsiasi presenza armata nelle zone libanesi e nei villaggi vicini al confine", ossia espandere l'area dove non ci sarà la presenza di Hezbollah a qualche chilometro oltre il fiume Litani. L'Unifil verrà rafforzato e avrà l'autorità di perquisire case, veicoli o avamposti sospettati di contenere armi.

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