Italia e Estero

Pentagono, risponderemo agli attacchi agli Usa in Medio Oriente

epa11136783 A retired member of the Lebanese security returns a tear gas canister towards riot police during a protest outside of the government palace in downtown Beirut, Lebanon, 08 February 2024. Retired members of the Lebanese security are demanding increased pensions after the Lebanese lira has lost more than 90 percent of its value against the dollar since the start of the economic crisis in 2019. Over the past two years, retired members of the Lebanese security have staged many nationwide protests to call for higher pensions. Veterans and security personnel have clashed, and protesters have occasionally attempted to storm into Parliament and the Banque du Liban headquarters. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
epa11136783 A retired member of the Lebanese security returns a tear gas canister towards riot police during a protest outside of the government palace in downtown Beirut, Lebanon, 08 February 2024. Retired members of the Lebanese security are demanding increased pensions after the Lebanese lira has lost more than 90 percent of its value against the dollar since the start of the economic crisis in 2019. Over the past two years, retired members of the Lebanese security have staged many nationwide protests to call for higher pensions. Veterans and security personnel have clashed, and protesters have occasionally attempted to storm into Parliament and the Banque du Liban headquarters. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH

WASHINGTON, 29 SET - "Il segretario alla difesa Lloyd Austin ha chiarito che se l'Iran, i suoi partner o i suoi alleati dovessero usare questo momento per colpire il personale o gli interessi americani nella regione, gli Stati Uniti adotteranno tutte le misure necessarie per difendere il nostro popolo": lo ha detto il portavoce del Pentagono Patrick Ryder. Lloyd Austin ha ordinato all'esercito di rafforzare la propria presenza in Medio Oriente con capacità di supporto aereo "difensive" e ha messo altre forze in uno stato di prontezza elevata.

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