Italia e Estero

Pelosi attacca Netanyahu, il peggior discorso al Congresso

epa11161135 Former speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi speaks at a panel discussion at the 'Bayerischer Hof' hotel, the venue of the 60th Munich Security Conference (MSC), in Munich, Germany, 17 February 2024. More than 500 high-level international decision-makers meet at the 60th Munich Security Conference in Munich during their annual meeting from 16 to 18 February 2024 to discuss global security issues. EPA/ANNA SZILAGYI
epa11161135 Former speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi speaks at a panel discussion at the 'Bayerischer Hof' hotel, the venue of the 60th Munich Security Conference (MSC), in Munich, Germany, 17 February 2024. More than 500 high-level international decision-makers meet at the 60th Munich Security Conference in Munich during their annual meeting from 16 to 18 February 2024 to discuss global security issues. EPA/ANNA SZILAGYI

NEW YORK, 24 LUG - Il "peggiore" discorso al Congresso pronunciato da un leader straniero. Così l'ex speaker della Camera Nancy Pelosi commenta l'intervento del premier israeliano Benyamin Netanyahu. "Le famiglie" degli ostaggi "vogliono un cessate il fuoco per riportarli a casa e noi ci auguriamo che il premier spenda il suo tempo a centrare questo obiettivo", ha detto Pelosi.

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