Parlamento ungherese approva l'adesione della Svezia alla Nato
epa11182602 Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (C, front) delivers his address on the opening day of the spring session of the Hungarian Parliament in Budapest, Hungary, 26 February 2024. In picture is seen Speaker of the Parliament Laszlo Kover (C, back). Hungarian lawmakers are expected to vote about the new head of state on the day. The ruling coalition Fidesz-KDNP nominated Tamas Sulyok, the current head of the Constitutional Court for head of state. EPA/SZILARD KOSZTICSAK HUNGARY OUT
BUDAPEST, 26 FEB - Spianando definitivamente la strada all'adesione di Stoccolma all'Alleanza atlantica, il parlamento ungherese ha approvato a stragrande maggioranza l'ingresso della Svezia nella Nato.
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