Italia e Estero

Parlamento Georgia ignora veto, ok legge agenti stranieri

epa11374917 Georgian opposition parties supporters attend a protest against a draft bill on 'foreign agents' in downtown Tbilisi, Georgia, 28 May 2024. On May 14, the Georgian Parliament adopted the law 'On Transparency of Foreign Influence'. The law, introduced by the ruling Georgian Dream party in parliament in April, has been met with resistance by opposition members, who believe that it is aimed at stigmatizing non-governmental organizations and free media that are not controlled by the authorities. The EU and the US called on the Georgian authorities to withdraw this law and warned that its adoption would close Georgia's path to the EU. Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili vetoed this law on 18 May. The procedure for overcoming the veto in the Georgian parliament is supposed to take place on 28 May. EPA/DAVID MDZINARISHVILI
epa11374917 Georgian opposition parties supporters attend a protest against a draft bill on 'foreign agents' in downtown Tbilisi, Georgia, 28 May 2024. On May 14, the Georgian Parliament adopted the law 'On Transparency of Foreign Influence'. The law, introduced by the ruling Georgian Dream party in parliament in April, has been met with resistance by opposition members, who believe that it is aimed at stigmatizing non-governmental organizations and free media that are not controlled by the authorities. The EU and the US called on the Georgian authorities to withdraw this law and warned that its adoption would close Georgia's path to the EU. Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili vetoed this law on 18 May. The procedure for overcoming the veto in the Georgian parliament is supposed to take place on 28 May. EPA/DAVID MDZINARISHVILI

TBILISI, 28 MAG - Il parlamento della Georgia ha adottato la controversa legge sugli "agenti stranieri" che ha scatenato settimane di proteste e una tempesta di condanne internazionali. I legislatori hanno espresso 84 voti favorevoli e 4 contrari per approvare il disegno di legge dopo aver ignorato il veto del presidente Salome Zurabishvili. La mossa è arrivata nonostante le proteste di piazza in corso e gli avvertimenti di Bruxelles e degli Stati Uniti secondo cui la misura mina la candidatura della Georgia all'Unione Europea.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia

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