Italia e Estero

Paramilitari russi, in Crimea uccisi 11 ufficiali di Mosca

epa04136619 Ukrainian soldiers stand guard as Crimea's self-defense units storm the Belbek Air Force base in Belbek, Ukraine, 22 March 2014. Belbek was the last Ukrainian military base, which has not surrendered after the annexation of Crimea by Russia. Crimean Premier Sergey Aksenov stressed that the base had been liberated from 'foreign troops'. In recent days, Russia has sought to clear out the last few pockets of resistance by browbeating dispirited Ukrainian troops into surrender. EPA/JAKUBI KAMINSKI POLAND OUT
epa04136619 Ukrainian soldiers stand guard as Crimea's self-defense units storm the Belbek Air Force base in Belbek, Ukraine, 22 March 2014. Belbek was the last Ukrainian military base, which has not surrendered after the annexation of Crimea by Russia. Crimean Premier Sergey Aksenov stressed that the base had been liberated from 'foreign troops'. In recent days, Russia has sought to clear out the last few pockets of resistance by browbeating dispirited Ukrainian troops into surrender. EPA/JAKUBI KAMINSKI POLAND OUT

ROMA, 24 MAR - Secondo i paramilitari russi pro-Ucraina, la legione Libertà di Russia e il Corpo dei Volontari russi, nell'attacco dell'esercito di Kiev a Sebastopoli in Crimea "sono stati uccisi 34 militari, di cui 11 ufficiali, 40 sono stati feriti e tre aerei danneggiati". Lo riporta Unian. I due gruppi affermano che "nell'aeroporto di Belbek è stato colpito un posto di comando e tre Su-27 sono stati danneggiati".

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