Italia e Estero

Onu, ritardo nel ritiro Israele dal Libano viola risoluzione

epa11890622 A handout photo made available by the Lebanese Presidency’s press office shows Lebanese President Joseph Aoun (L) meets with former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri at the Presidential Palace in Baabda, outside Beirut, Lebanon, 12 February 2025. Hariri is in Beirut to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the assassination of his father, the late Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, on 14 February. EPA/LEBANESE PRESIDENCY PRESS OFFICE HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa11890622 A handout photo made available by the Lebanese Presidency’s press office shows Lebanese President Joseph Aoun (L) meets with former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri at the Presidential Palace in Baabda, outside Beirut, Lebanon, 12 February 2025. Hariri is in Beirut to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the assassination of his father, the late Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, on 14 February. EPA/LEBANESE PRESIDENCY PRESS OFFICE HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

(ANSA-AFP) - BEIRUT, 18 FEB - Per l'Onu "qualsiasi ritardo" nel ritiro israeliano dal Lbano viola la risoluzione 1701" del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite. Nel giorno della scadenza del termine per il ritiro di Israele dal Libano in base all'accordo di pace con Hezbollah, l'Idf ha annunciato il ritiro dai villaggi di confine del Libano ma che rimane in 5 postazioni oltre la linea di demarcazione Onu. (ANSA-AFP).

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