Italia e Estero

Onu, in Libano uccisi in un anno 100 medici e operatori sanitari

epa11171859 Palestinian refugees wait inside a clinic in the Palestinian refugee camp of Mar Elias that is run by the United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) in Beirut, Lebanon, 20 February 2024 (issued 22 February 2024). The doctor in charge, Hassan Mohammad Saleh, explains that the center is the "only way" for between 5,000 and 6,000 people to receive medical care. "The frequency of patients coming to the clinic indicates the need, because before they were self-financing. But with the economic crisis in Lebanon, the collapse of the Lebanese pound, they had to return to the service of UNRWA," Saleh added. Every day, between 75 and 100 patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension or heart problems pass through this clinic; in addition to pregnant women, children who need to be vaccinated and patients suffering from common ailments such as diarrhea or flu. In Lebanon, where there are some 250,000 Palestinian refugees, the UN agency will only be able to continue helping until the end of March due to suspensions of funding to UNRWA after Israel accused some workers of participate in the Hamas attacks on 07 October 2023. Several major donors, the United States and Germany among them, suspended funding to the agency pending the UN’s investigation into the matter. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
epa11171859 Palestinian refugees wait inside a clinic in the Palestinian refugee camp of Mar Elias that is run by the United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) in Beirut, Lebanon, 20 February 2024 (issued 22 February 2024). The doctor in charge, Hassan Mohammad Saleh, explains that the center is the "only way" for between 5,000 and 6,000 people to receive medical care. "The frequency of patients coming to the clinic indicates the need, because before they were self-financing. But with the economic crisis in Lebanon, the collapse of the Lebanese pound, they had to return to the service of UNRWA," Saleh added. Every day, between 75 and 100 patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension or heart problems pass through this clinic; in addition to pregnant women, children who need to be vaccinated and patients suffering from common ailments such as diarrhea or flu. In Lebanon, where there are some 250,000 Palestinian refugees, the UN agency will only be able to continue helping until the end of March due to suspensions of funding to UNRWA after Israel accused some workers of participate in the Hamas attacks on 07 October 2023. Several major donors, the United States and Germany among them, suspended funding to the agency pending the UN’s investigation into the matter. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH

ROMA, 11 OTT - Oltre 100 medici e operatori di soccorso sono stati uccisi nel conflitto in Libano da quando è iniziato un conflitto tra Israele e Hezbollah un anno fa: lo afferma l'ufficio per i Diritti umani delle Nazioni Unite, secondo quanto riporta la Reuters sul suo sito. "In totale, oltre 100 operatori sanitari e di emergenza sono stati uccisi in tutto il Libano dall'ottobre dell'anno scorso", ha detto la portavoce Ravina Shamdasani in un briefing delle Nazioni Unite, citando cifre che ha detto essere state compilate dall'ufficio umanitario delle Nazioni Unite. "Abbiamo ricevuto anche diverse segnalazioni di attacchi aerei che hanno preso di mira altri centri medici e di paramedici e vigili del fuoco uccisi", ha detto. Il portavoce dell'Organizzazione mondiale della sanità Christian Lindmeier ha detto che dal 17 settembre ci sono stati 18 attacchi a strutture sanitarie in Libano, in cui sono rimasti uccisi 72 operatori sanitari.

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