Italia e Estero

Omi, il canale di Panama resterà panamense

epa11242925 A ship transits through the Panama Canal, in Panama City, Panama, 22 March 2024 (issued 25 March 2024). Transits through the Panama Canal increase to 27 daily, after a reduction, due to the drought, which is impacting international maritime trade at a time when it is also affected by the crisis in the Red Sea. EPA/Carlos Lemos
epa11242925 A ship transits through the Panama Canal, in Panama City, Panama, 22 March 2024 (issued 25 March 2024). Transits through the Panama Canal increase to 27 daily, after a reduction, due to the drought, which is impacting international maritime trade at a time when it is also affected by the crisis in the Red Sea. EPA/Carlos Lemos

LONDRA, 14 GEN - "Il canale di Panama resterà panamense": lo ha detto il segretario generale dell'Organizzazione marittima internazionale (Omi), l'agenzia delle Nazioni Unite per il trasporto marittimo, ad Afp, commentando le aspirazioni del presidente eletto degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump ad annettersi il bacino.

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