Italia e Estero

Nuova eruzione vulcanica in Islanda, c'è lo stato di emergenza

epaselect epa11077207 Lava explosions and rising smoke after a volcanic eruption near the town of Grindavik, in the Reykjanes peninsula, southwestern Iceland, 14 January 2024. A volcanic eruption began north of the town of GrindavÃk on the Reykjanes peninsula on 14 January, prompting authorities in Iceland to evacuate the small fishing town in the early morning as a precaution. The eruption is not expected to impact additional populated areas and does not present a 'threat to life', the Government of Iceland stated, adding that there are no disruptions to flights to and from Iceland. This is the second eruption in the area since December 2023, and the fifth since 2021. EPA/ANTON BRINK
epaselect epa11077207 Lava explosions and rising smoke after a volcanic eruption near the town of Grindavik, in the Reykjanes peninsula, southwestern Iceland, 14 January 2024. A volcanic eruption began north of the town of GrindavÃk on the Reykjanes peninsula on 14 January, prompting authorities in Iceland to evacuate the small fishing town in the early morning as a precaution. The eruption is not expected to impact additional populated areas and does not present a 'threat to life', the Government of Iceland stated, adding that there are no disruptions to flights to and from Iceland. This is the second eruption in the area since December 2023, and the fifth since 2021. EPA/ANTON BRINK

ROMA, 29 MAG - Nuova eruzione vulcanica nella penisola islandese di Reykjanes, l'ottava in poco più di tre anni e la quinta in sei mesi. Le autorità hanno deciso di dichiarare lo stato di emergenza, il codice rosso, riportano i media islandesi. La nuova eruzione è scoppiata nel sud-ovest dell'Islanda, ha annunciato l'Ufficio meteorologico islandese (Imo), poco dopo che le autorità hanno evacuato la vicina città di Grindavik. "È iniziata un'eruzione vicino a Sundhnúksgígar, a nord di Grindavík", ha dichiarato l'istituto in un comunicato, circa tre settimane dopo la fine di una precedente eruzione in corso dal 16 marzo.

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