Italia e Estero

Nicaragua: ricoverato d'urgenza il fratello di Daniel Ortega

MGA01 - 20001218 - MANAGUA, NICARAGUA : Retired Gen. Humberto Ortega, former head of Nicaragua's army, reiterates during a press conference in Managua, 18 December 2000, his view that his brother former Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega should not run for president in the November 2001 election because a loss would hurt their leftist Sandinista party. Humberto Ortega has suggested that his brother, who lost presidential bids in 1990 and 1996, continue to lead the Sandinista party as its secretary-general. EPA PHOTO AFP/MIGUEL ALVAREZ/ma/pp/rg
MGA01 - 20001218 - MANAGUA, NICARAGUA : Retired Gen. Humberto Ortega, former head of Nicaragua's army, reiterates during a press conference in Managua, 18 December 2000, his view that his brother former Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega should not run for president in the November 2001 election because a loss would hurt their leftist Sandinista party. Humberto Ortega has suggested that his brother, who lost presidential bids in 1990 and 1996, continue to lead the Sandinista party as its secretary-general. EPA PHOTO AFP/MIGUEL ALVAREZ/ma/pp/rg

MANAGUA, 13 GIU - Tre settimane dopo che la polizia del governo di Daniel Ortega gli ha imposto gli arresti domiciliari, il generale in pensione Humberto Ortega, fratello minore del presidente sandinista, è stato ricoverato d'urgenza all'ospedale militare di Managua con sintomi di infarto. L'ex comandante dell'esercito nicaraguense è entrato in conflitto con il fratello capo dello Stato dopo aver concesso un'intervista al portale di notizie argentino Infobae. Nell'occasione, ha polemizzato con l'esecutivo, affermando di essere a conoscenza di un piano per ucciderlo per le sue posizioni critiche.

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