Italia e Estero

Netanyahu vede Musk a Washington

epa11770081 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gestures as he attends a special session with the President of Paraguay at the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, in Jerusalem, 11 December 2024. The Paraguayan president is on a two-day official visit to Israel, where he is scheduled to relocate his country's embassy to Jerusalem. EPA/ABIR SULTAN
epa11770081 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gestures as he attends a special session with the President of Paraguay at the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, in Jerusalem, 11 December 2024. The Paraguayan president is on a two-day official visit to Israel, where he is scheduled to relocate his country's embassy to Jerusalem. EPA/ABIR SULTAN

WASHINGTON, 03 FEB - Benjamin Netanyahu ha incontrato a Washington il miliardario e consigliere di Donald Trump, Elon Musk, nonostante le recenti polemiche per il suo apparente saluto nazista, dalle quali comunque il primo ministro israeliano lo aveva difeso. Lo riportano alcuni media, anche israeliani. Sui social, compresa la piattaforma X, circola una fotografia in cui si vede Trump unirsi alla coppia, anche se lui e Netanyahu si incontreranno ufficialmente solo oggi.

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