Italia e Estero

Netanyahu ai libanesi, 'lasciate le zone degli attacchi'

epa11621083 An ambulance drives at the southern suburb of Beirut after an Israeli military strike, in Beirut, Lebanon, 23 September 2024. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said they conducted a 'targeted strike' in Beirut on 23 September after the Israeli military announced that it launched 'extensive' airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon. Lebanese residents of villages in the Beqaa Valley 'who are inside or near houses where rockets and weapons are stored' have been warned to 'move away immediately! For your safety and protection', the statement added. According to Lebanon's Ministry of Health, at least 274 people have been killed and more than 1,000 others injured following continued Israeli airstrikes on southern Lebanese towns and villages since 23 September morning. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
epa11621083 An ambulance drives at the southern suburb of Beirut after an Israeli military strike, in Beirut, Lebanon, 23 September 2024. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said they conducted a 'targeted strike' in Beirut on 23 September after the Israeli military announced that it launched 'extensive' airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon. Lebanese residents of villages in the Beqaa Valley 'who are inside or near houses where rockets and weapons are stored' have been warned to 'move away immediately! For your safety and protection', the statement added. According to Lebanon's Ministry of Health, at least 274 people have been killed and more than 1,000 others injured following continued Israeli airstrikes on southern Lebanese towns and villages since 23 September morning. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH

ROMA, 23 SET - Benyamin Netanyahu si rivolge ai cittadini libanesi invitandoli ad abbandonare le zone di conflitto. "Tiratevi fuori dai guai ora, non lasciate che Hezbollah metta in pericolo le vostre vite e quelle dei vostri cari", dice il premier israeliano. "Una volta terminata la nostra operazione, potrete tornare sani e salvi alle vostre case", prosegue nel messaggio in cui denuncia che "per troppo tempo, Hezbollah vi ha usato come scudi umani. Ha piazzato razzi nei vostri salotti e missili nei vostri garage". "Quei razzi sono puntati sulle nostre città". E per "difendere il nostro popolo dobbiamo eliminare queste armi", aggiunge.

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