Italia e Estero

'Navi da guerra Usa seguono i russi a largo Florida'

epa08476649 A handout picture provided by the US Navy shows the navy vessel (in alphabetical order) the Royal Canadian Navy Halifax-class frigate HMCS Fredericton, the German Navy Bremen-class frigate FGS Luebeck, the German Navy Rhone-Class replenishment oiler FGS Rhoen, the Royal Norwegian Navy Fridtjof Nansen-class frigate HNoMS Otto Suerdrup, the US Navy Blue Ridge-class command and control ship USS Mount Whitney, the US Navy Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook, and the US Navy Supply-class fast-combat support ship USNS Supply during the Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) 2020 military exercise in the Baltic Sea, 08 June 2020 (issued 10 June 2020). Air and maritime forces from 19 NATO countries and its partner nations take part in the 49th Baltops exercise from 07 to 16 June in the Baltic Sea. EPA/Kyle Steckler / US NAVY HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa08476649 A handout picture provided by the US Navy shows the navy vessel (in alphabetical order) the Royal Canadian Navy Halifax-class frigate HMCS Fredericton, the German Navy Bremen-class frigate FGS Luebeck, the German Navy Rhone-Class replenishment oiler FGS Rhoen, the Royal Norwegian Navy Fridtjof Nansen-class frigate HNoMS Otto Suerdrup, the US Navy Blue Ridge-class command and control ship USS Mount Whitney, the US Navy Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook, and the US Navy Supply-class fast-combat support ship USNS Supply during the Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) 2020 military exercise in the Baltic Sea, 08 June 2020 (issued 10 June 2020). Air and maritime forces from 19 NATO countries and its partner nations take part in the 49th Baltops exercise from 07 to 16 June in the Baltic Sea. EPA/Kyle Steckler / US NAVY HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

ROMA, 11 GIU - Navi da guerra statunitensi e canadesi "seguono come un'ombra" la flottiglia russa che ha superato la costa orientale della Florida nel suo cammino verso Cuba: lo scrive Newsweek sulla base dei dati tracciamento marittimo e aereo open source. Per monitorare i russi è stato messo in campo anche un aereo P-8A Poseidon, considerato un "caccia sommergibili". Le navi impegnate nel pattugliamento sarebbero la Cg Stone, i cacciatorpediniere Uss Truxtun e Uss Donald Cook, e la fregata canadese HMCS Ville de Quebec.

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