Italia e Estero

Navalny: Ong, 'oltre 100 fermi in manifestazioni'

epa11159148 People lay flowers and light candles next to the photo of Russian late opposition leader Alexey Navalny during a vigil following his death, near the memorial to political prisoners in St. Petersburg, Russia, 16 February 2024. Russian opposition leader and outspoken Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny has died aged 47 in a penal colony, the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District announced on 16 February 2024. A prison service statement said that Navalny 'felt unwell' after a walk on 16 February, and it was investigating the causes of his death. Late last year, he was transferred to an Arctic penal colony considered one of the harshest prisons.  EPA/ANATOLY MALTSEV
epa11159148 People lay flowers and light candles next to the photo of Russian late opposition leader Alexey Navalny during a vigil following his death, near the memorial to political prisoners in St. Petersburg, Russia, 16 February 2024. Russian opposition leader and outspoken Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny has died aged 47 in a penal colony, the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District announced on 16 February 2024. A prison service statement said that Navalny 'felt unwell' after a walk on 16 February, and it was investigating the causes of his death. Late last year, he was transferred to an Arctic penal colony considered one of the harshest prisons. EPA/ANATOLY MALTSEV

MOSCA, 17 FEB - Oltre 100 persone sono state fermate in varie città russe, tra cui Mosca e San Pietroburgo, durante raduni in memoria di Alexei Navalny, secondo quanto riferisce l'organizzazione per i diritti umani Ong-Info.

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