Italia e Estero

Muhammad Yunus tornerà in Bangladesh domani

epa11532822 Supporters of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) gather to attend a mass party rally at the Naya Paltan area, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 07 August 2024. Thousands of supporters gathered around the office of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) in the Naya Paltan area for a mass rally, with the acting chairman Tarique Rahman expected to address virtually. In an address to the nation, Chief of Army Staff General Waker-Uz-Zaman announced on 05 August that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has resigned after weeks of unrest and an interim government will be formed to run the country. Bangladeshi President's press secretary announced on 07 August that Muhammad Yunus was chosen to be Bangladesh's interim leader after the resignation of former prime minister Sheikh Hasina. EPA/MONIRUL ALAM
epa11532822 Supporters of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) gather to attend a mass party rally at the Naya Paltan area, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 07 August 2024. Thousands of supporters gathered around the office of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) in the Naya Paltan area for a mass rally, with the acting chairman Tarique Rahman expected to address virtually. In an address to the nation, Chief of Army Staff General Waker-Uz-Zaman announced on 05 August that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has resigned after weeks of unrest and an interim government will be formed to run the country. Bangladeshi President's press secretary announced on 07 August that Muhammad Yunus was chosen to be Bangladesh's interim leader after the resignation of former prime minister Sheikh Hasina. EPA/MONIRUL ALAM

DACCA, 07 AGO - Il premio Nobel per la pace ed economista Muhammad Yunus, incaricato di guidare un governo ad interim in Bangladesh, tornerà a Dacca domani. Lo ha annunciato il suo ufficio. Attualmente in Europa, Muhammad Yunus, 84 anni, arriverà nella capitale del Bangladesh alle 14:10, ora locale, (le 10 in Italia), ha detto la stessa fonte.

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