Italia e Estero

Mosca rivendica presa di un altro villaggio in Ucraina

epaselect epa11554386 A civilian bus rides past a Ukrainian tank on a road in the village of Yunakivka, 9 kilometers from the border with Russia in the Sumy region, Ukraine, 18 August 2024 amid the Russian invasion. There is no electricity or water supply in the village due to the permanent shelling by Russian forces. Ukrainian troops have advanced 35 kilometers with battles, taken control of 1,150 square kilometers of the territory of the Russian Federation and 82 settlements since the beginning of the operation in the Kursk region on 06 August 2024 according to the report of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Oleksandr Syrskyi at the meeting of the Staff on 15 August 2024. Russian troops entered Ukrainian territory on 24 February 2022, starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/GEORGE IVANCHENKO
epaselect epa11554386 A civilian bus rides past a Ukrainian tank on a road in the village of Yunakivka, 9 kilometers from the border with Russia in the Sumy region, Ukraine, 18 August 2024 amid the Russian invasion. There is no electricity or water supply in the village due to the permanent shelling by Russian forces. Ukrainian troops have advanced 35 kilometers with battles, taken control of 1,150 square kilometers of the territory of the Russian Federation and 82 settlements since the beginning of the operation in the Kursk region on 06 August 2024 according to the report of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Oleksandr Syrskyi at the meeting of the Staff on 15 August 2024. Russian troops entered Ukrainian territory on 24 February 2022, starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/GEORGE IVANCHENKO

MOSCA, 13 OTT - La Russia ha dichiarato oggi di aver catturato un altro villaggio dell'Ucraina orientale mentre si avvicina all'importante città di Pokrovsk, dove le sue forze stanno avanzando da settimane. Il ministero della Difesa di Mosca ha affermato che le sue forze hanno ora preso Mykhailivka, alle porte della città di Selydove e a sud di Pokrovsk. Selydove è stata gravemente danneggiata da mesi di bombardamenti e ha visto la maggior parte della sua popolazione fuggire. La Russia ha cercato di catturare Pokrovsk, una città mineraria dove vivevano circa 60.000 persone prima che Mosca lanciasse la sua offensiva.

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