Italia e Estero

Mosca, incontro Putin-Witkoff stasera a porte chiuse

epa11875162 US Special Envoy to the Middle East Steve Witkoff responds to a question from the news media outside the West Wing of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 04 February 2025. Later in the day President Trump hosts Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu with two leaders set to discuss the Israeli cease-fire with Hamas, Iran's nuclear program and future arms shipments among other bilateral issues. EPA/SHAWN THEW
epa11875162 US Special Envoy to the Middle East Steve Witkoff responds to a question from the news media outside the West Wing of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 04 February 2025. Later in the day President Trump hosts Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu with two leaders set to discuss the Israeli cease-fire with Hamas, Iran's nuclear program and future arms shipments among other bilateral issues. EPA/SHAWN THEW

ROMA, 13 MAR - Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin incontrerà stasera a porte chiuse l'inviato degli Stati Uniti Steve Witkoff: lo ha detto il consigliere del Cremlino Yury Ushakov. "L'incontro tra Witkoff e il presidente Vladimir Putin sarà stasera a porte chiuse", ha riferito Ushakov, come riporta Interfax. Al centro dell'incontro la proposta di tregua di 30 giorni proposta da Donald Trump e accettata dall'Ucraina.

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