Italia e Estero

Mosca, donna e bimbo uccisi da bombe ucraine a Bryansk

epa10813159 Broken windows on a residential building the morning after two drones were shot down in Krasnogorsk, Moscow region, Russia, 22 August 2023. One injured and no casualties were reported when two drones were shot down in the sky over the Moscow region, Governor Andrei Vorobyov said on 22 August. The Russian Ministry of Defense said that two Ukrainian drones were shot down over the Moscow region on the night between 21 and 22 August, and that electronic warfare (EW) brought down two more drones in the Bryansk region. EPA/YURI KOCHETKOV
epa10813159 Broken windows on a residential building the morning after two drones were shot down in Krasnogorsk, Moscow region, Russia, 22 August 2023. One injured and no casualties were reported when two drones were shot down in the sky over the Moscow region, Governor Andrei Vorobyov said on 22 August. The Russian Ministry of Defense said that two Ukrainian drones were shot down over the Moscow region on the night between 21 and 22 August, and that electronic warfare (EW) brought down two more drones in the Bryansk region. EPA/YURI KOCHETKOV

ROMA, 09 APR - "Le forze armate ucraine hanno bombardato un insediamento nella regione russa di Bryansk, uccidendo una donna e un bambino e ferendone altri tre": lo ha riferito il governatore Alexander Bogomaz, come riporta Tass. "I terroristi ucraini hanno sparato con l'artiglieria contro la pacifica popolazione dell'insediamento di Klimovo. Hanno colpito proprio il centro dell'insediamento. Purtroppo, una donna e un bambino sono stati uccisi. Secondo le prime informazioni, tre civili sono stati feriti. Ora stanno ricevendo assistenza medica", ha dichiarato sul suo canale Telegram.

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