Italia e Estero

Morto l'uomo che si è dato fuoco davanti tribunale Trump

epa11289319 Police officers guard an entrance to the park at the scene where a man set himself on fire at Collect Pond Park, outside Manhattan Criminal Court, where former president Donald Trump is attending jury selection for his criminal trial, in New York, USA, 19 April 2024. The New York City Police Department confirmed on 19 April that a man walked to the center of the park directly opposite the New York County Criminal Court and threw some pamphlets in the air before setting himself on fire. The individual was then moved to a hospital where he was admitted in critical conditions. EPA/SARAH YENESEL
epa11289319 Police officers guard an entrance to the park at the scene where a man set himself on fire at Collect Pond Park, outside Manhattan Criminal Court, where former president Donald Trump is attending jury selection for his criminal trial, in New York, USA, 19 April 2024. The New York City Police Department confirmed on 19 April that a man walked to the center of the park directly opposite the New York County Criminal Court and threw some pamphlets in the air before setting himself on fire. The individual was then moved to a hospital where he was admitted in critical conditions. EPA/SARAH YENESEL

ROMA, 20 APR - E' morto l'uomo che ieri si è dato fuoco davanti al tribunale di New York dove è in corso il processo a Donald Trump per i presunti soldi alla pornostar: lo scrivono diversi media americani citando la polizia newyorkese. L'uomo, il 37enne Maxwell Azzarello, si è cosparso di liquido infiammabile e si è dato fuoco dopo aver gettato in giro degli opuscoli da lui redatti con teorie cospirazioniste.

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