Italia e Estero

Ministero della Sanità di Hamas, i morti a Gaza sono 45.097

epa11778085 Internally displaced Palestinians inspect destroyed tents inside Al Dura stadium following an Israeli air strike in the west of Deir al-Balah town, central Gaza Strip, 15 December 2024. The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza reported that at least 22 people were killed on December 14 during Israeli airstrikes on the central Gaza Strip. According to the UN, at least 1.9 million people (or nine in ten people) in the Gaza Strip are internally displaced, including people who have been repeatedly displaced. Since October 2023, only about 11 percent of the Gaza Strip has not been placed under Israeli-issued evacuation orders, the UN aid coordination office OCHA said. EPA/MOHAMMED SABER
epa11778085 Internally displaced Palestinians inspect destroyed tents inside Al Dura stadium following an Israeli air strike in the west of Deir al-Balah town, central Gaza Strip, 15 December 2024. The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza reported that at least 22 people were killed on December 14 during Israeli airstrikes on the central Gaza Strip. According to the UN, at least 1.9 million people (or nine in ten people) in the Gaza Strip are internally displaced, including people who have been repeatedly displaced. Since October 2023, only about 11 percent of the Gaza Strip has not been placed under Israeli-issued evacuation orders, the UN aid coordination office OCHA said. EPA/MOHAMMED SABER

ROMA, 18 DIC - Il bilancio dei morti a Gaza è salito a quota 45.097, di cui 38 nelle ultime 24 ore: lo ha reso noto su Telegram il ministero della Sanità di Hamas. I feriti sono 107.244, secondo la stessa fonte.

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