Italia e Estero

Migranti in Albania, tutte respinte le richieste d'asilo

epa11858044 Officers inspect the detention center as a group of migrants who were rescued over the weekend in international waters south of Lampedusa, arrive at the port of Shengjin, Albania, 28 January 2025. Under the Italy-Albania deal, Italy has sent a group of 49 migrants to reception centers in Albania in a plan aimed at deterring sea crossings by processing asylum claims outside the European Union (EU). The initiative faced legal setbacks after Italian courts ruled that migrants could not be held in Albania due to concerns over their legal status. In response, the Italian government adjusted the legal framework, hoping this would strengthen the policy, which allows up to 3,000 non-vulnerable men to be housed temporarily in Italian-run facilities in Albania. EPA/MALTON DIBRA
epa11858044 Officers inspect the detention center as a group of migrants who were rescued over the weekend in international waters south of Lampedusa, arrive at the port of Shengjin, Albania, 28 January 2025. Under the Italy-Albania deal, Italy has sent a group of 49 migrants to reception centers in Albania in a plan aimed at deterring sea crossings by processing asylum claims outside the European Union (EU). The initiative faced legal setbacks after Italian courts ruled that migrants could not be held in Albania due to concerns over their legal status. In response, the Italian government adjusted the legal framework, hoping this would strengthen the policy, which allows up to 3,000 non-vulnerable men to be housed temporarily in Italian-run facilities in Albania. EPA/MALTON DIBRA

ROMA, 30 GEN - Sono state tutte respinte, ad eccezione di una, le richieste di asilo dei 43 migranti portati in Albania. I richiedenti protezione internazionale sono stati ascoltati ieri dalla commissione asilo. Ora gli stranieri hanno 7 giorni di tempo per fare ricorso contro il rigetto della domanda. Attese per domani, invece, le decisioni sulla convalida dei trattenimenti. "Come ci aspettavamo - fa sapere il Tavolo asilo e immigrazione - gli esiti delle richieste d'asilo sono state tutte negative perché ritenute 'manifestamente infondate'. Solo una persona non ha ricevuto il diniego, e sarà ascoltata in procedura ordinaria, poiché è stata riscontrata una vulnerabilità medica".

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