Italia e Estero

Medvedev, finalmente il porco Zelensky ha avuto una sberla

epa07895736 Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev delivers a speech during the ceremony where he has been invested with the title of Doctor Honoris Causa in Political Science, in Havana, Cuba, 04 October 2019. Medvedev is on his second day of an official visit to the island. EPA/YANDER ZAMORA
epa07895736 Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev delivers a speech during the ceremony where he has been invested with the title of Doctor Honoris Causa in Political Science, in Havana, Cuba, 04 October 2019. Medvedev is on his second day of an official visit to the island. EPA/YANDER ZAMORA

ROMA, 28 FEB - "Il porco insolente ha finalmente ricevuto una bella sberla nello Studio Ovale. E Donald Trump ha ragione: il regime di Kiev sta giocando con la Terza Guerra Mondiale". Lo scrive l'ex presidente russo, Dmitri Medvedev, su X dopo lo scontro alla Casa Bianca tra i presidenti americano e ucraino.

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