Italia e Estero

Media, scontri a Tel Aviv tra polizia e manifestanti, un arresto

epaselect epa11384189 Protesters carrying a large banner take to the streets to call on the Israeli cabinet to sign a hostage deal and hold early elections during a demonstration outside the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, 01 June 2024. According to the Israeli military, 125 Israeli hostages are still held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The protest comes a day after an announcement by US President Biden on 31 May urging Israel and Hamas to accept a new deal for a permanent ceasefire that includes ending the military operations in Gaza and the return of the Israeli hostages. EPA/ABIR SULTAN
epaselect epa11384189 Protesters carrying a large banner take to the streets to call on the Israeli cabinet to sign a hostage deal and hold early elections during a demonstration outside the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, 01 June 2024. According to the Israeli military, 125 Israeli hostages are still held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The protest comes a day after an announcement by US President Biden on 31 May urging Israel and Hamas to accept a new deal for a permanent ceasefire that includes ending the military operations in Gaza and the return of the Israeli hostages. EPA/ABIR SULTAN

ROMA, 01 GIU - Scontri sono in atto a Tel Aviv tra polizia e manifestanti anti governativi. Lo riportano Ynet e Haaretz precisando che un dimostrante è stato arrestato. Migliaia di israeliani sono nuovamente scesi in serata per le strade della città israeliana, tornando a chiedere al governo del primo ministro Netanyahu che firmi un accordo con Hamas che preveda il rilascio dei prigionieri israeliani detenuti a Gaza. Secondo gli organizzatori a Tel Aviv sono scesi in piazza almeno 120mila persone. Proteste sono state organizzate anche in altre città del Paese, tra cui Gerusalemme e Cesarea.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
