Italia e Estero

Media, 'rilascio ostaggi lunedì mentre Trump si insedia'

epaselect epa11826705 Famiy members of hostages held by Hamas in Gaza and their supporters light torches as they react to ceasefire reports during a protest calling for a ceasefire and for the release of the hostages, outside the Likud party headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, 15 January 2025. According to US and Hamas officials, Israel and Hamas agreed on a hostage deal and ceasefire. The Hebrew writing on the road means 'everyone returns home.' EPA/ABIR SULTAN
epaselect epa11826705 Famiy members of hostages held by Hamas in Gaza and their supporters light torches as they react to ceasefire reports during a protest calling for a ceasefire and for the release of the hostages, outside the Likud party headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, 15 January 2025. According to US and Hamas officials, Israel and Hamas agreed on a hostage deal and ceasefire. The Hebrew writing on the road means 'everyone returns home.' EPA/ABIR SULTAN

TEL AVIV, 16 GEN - Secondo alcuni funzionari israeliani, citati dai media nazionali, è molto probabile che il rilascio degli ostaggi avvenga lunedì 20, mentre il presidente Usa eletto Donald Trump si insedia alla Casa Bianca. La votazione sull'accordo del governo e del gabinetto israeliani prevista per domani continuerà fino a sabato, è stato spiegato, quindi è molto ragionevole pensare che il primi tre rapiti vengano rilasciati lunedì e non domenica.

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