Italia e Estero

Media, possibile legame tra arrestati in Belgio e l'Isis K

epa11227680 Police officers stand guard near a house where a police officer was killed during an operation in Lodelinsart, Belgium, 18 March 2024. According to Charleroi public prosecutor's office, one police officer died and two others were injured on 18 March as a result of an exchange of fire during a house search on rue de l'Etang. A suspect who had been injured was taken to the hospital, where he died. EPA/OLIVIER MATTHYS
epa11227680 Police officers stand guard near a house where a police officer was killed during an operation in Lodelinsart, Belgium, 18 March 2024. According to Charleroi public prosecutor's office, one police officer died and two others were injured on 18 March as a result of an exchange of fire during a house search on rue de l'Etang. A suspect who had been injured was taken to the hospital, where he died. EPA/OLIVIER MATTHYS

BRUXELLES, 25 LUG - Diversi sospettati di terrorismo in Belgio, fermati in un blitz condotto questa mattina nel Paese, "provengono dall'Asia centrale e affermano di appartenere allo Stato islamico nel Khorasan", la fazione dell'Isis che opera principalmente in quell'area. Lo riportano i media belgi. L'operazione che ha portato al fermo di sette persone in nove comuni belgi - tra cui Saint-Josse a Bruxelles - è stata fatta scattare "in via preventiva" alla vigilia dell'inaugurazione delle Olimpiadi di Parigi, secondo quanto indicano all'ANSA alcune fonti vicine agli ambienti giudiziari. L'obiettivo di un possibile attentato resta comunque "sconosciuto".

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