Italia e Estero

Media, 'nove morti in attacco israeliano nel nord di Gaza'

epa10625715 The destroyed house of the Nabhan family following an Israeli air strike in Beit Lahiya town in northern Gaza Strip, 13 May 2023. Ten members of the Nbhan family are disabled. Israel carried out several attacks against the military leadership of the Islamic Jihad movement in the Gaza Strip since 09 May 2023. Fighting continues between Israel and the militants of the Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, in Gaza Strip. EPA/HAITHAM IMAD
epa10625715 The destroyed house of the Nabhan family following an Israeli air strike in Beit Lahiya town in northern Gaza Strip, 13 May 2023. Ten members of the Nbhan family are disabled. Israel carried out several attacks against the military leadership of the Islamic Jihad movement in the Gaza Strip since 09 May 2023. Fighting continues between Israel and the militants of the Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, in Gaza Strip. EPA/HAITHAM IMAD

TEL AVIV, 15 MAR - L'agenzia di stampa palestinese Shehab riferisce che un attacco israeliano con un drone a un veicolo a Beit Lahiya, nel nord di Gaza, ha provocato la morte di nove persone. Tra le vittime ci sarebbero anche tre giornalisti, secondo il Centro per la protezione dei giornalisti palestinesi. Fonti palestinesi riportano che uno di loro sarebbe Mahmoud Isleem, un fotografo che ha lavorato per l'agenzia turca Anadolu.

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