Media Houthi, 'raid Usa nel nord dello Yemen'

epa11977187 A person inspects the rubble of an event hall struck by US airstrikes in Sana'a, Yemen, 20 March 2025. The United States has been launching a wave of airstrikes since 15 March on at least four Houthis-controlled provinces of Yemen, including Sana'a, leaving more than 50 people dead and over 100 injured, according to Houthis-run Al-Masirah TV. The US bombardments come amid heightened tensions between the Houthis and the United States over Houthi attacks on Israel and shipping in waters around Yemen. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
ROMA, 21 MAR - La televisione Al-Masirah dei ribelli Houthi segnala attacchi aerei statunitensi che hanno preso di mira il governatorato di Saada nello Yemen settentrionale. "Questo è il settimo giorno consecutivo di attacchi aerei americani su obiettivi Houthi in tutto lo Yemen", si legge.
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