Italia e Estero

Media, Hezbollah sceglie Safieddine come suo leader

epa11405852 Head of Hezbollah's Executive Council Sayyed Hashem Safieddine, speaks during the funeral of late Hezbollah senior commander Taleb Sami Abdallah mourns during his funeral procession in Beirut, Lebanon, 12 June 2024. According to the Hezbollah media office, four Hezbollah fighters, including the senior leader Taleb Sami Abdallah, were killed after the Israeli attack on a residential building in Jwaya town in the Tyre district, southern Lebanon on 11 June. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
epa11405852 Head of Hezbollah's Executive Council Sayyed Hashem Safieddine, speaks during the funeral of late Hezbollah senior commander Taleb Sami Abdallah mourns during his funeral procession in Beirut, Lebanon, 12 June 2024. According to the Hezbollah media office, four Hezbollah fighters, including the senior leader Taleb Sami Abdallah, were killed after the Israeli attack on a residential building in Jwaya town in the Tyre district, southern Lebanon on 11 June. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH

ROMA, 29 SET - Il Consiglio della Shura di Hezbollah, l'organismo decisionale centrale del gruppo, ha scelto Hashem Safieddine per sostituire Hassan Nasrallah come leader di Hezbollah. Lo scrive Haaretz e Al Arabya. Safieddine proviene da Deir Qanoun al-Nahr, un villaggio nel Libano meridionale, nato in una prominente famiglia sciita nota per aver prodotto influenti chierici e parlamentari. È cugino di Nasrallah e ha legami familiari con Qassem Soleimani, l'ex comandante della Forza Quds dell'Iran che è stato ucciso in un attacco aereo statunitense in Iraq nel 2020.

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