Italia e Estero

Media francesi: 'annuncio premier imminente, Barnier favorito'

epa11440996 EU's former commissioner and Brexit negotiator, French former politician Michel Barnier attends an interview for Spanish international news agency EFE at the French conservative party The Republicans (Les Republicains, LR)'s headquarters in Paris, France, 26 June 2024 (issued 27 June 2024). Barnier, who served in several French cabinet positions and a former European Union politician, ran for France's presidential election in 2022. Earlier in June, French President Macron decided to dissolve the country's parliament and hold snap elections after far-right parties, including Marine Le Pen's National Rally (Rassemblement National, RN), have made significant electoral gains in the recent European Parliament elections. France will hold two rounds of voting on 30 June and 07 July, to elect members of the National Assembly. EPA/CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON
epa11440996 EU's former commissioner and Brexit negotiator, French former politician Michel Barnier attends an interview for Spanish international news agency EFE at the French conservative party The Republicans (Les Republicains, LR)'s headquarters in Paris, France, 26 June 2024 (issued 27 June 2024). Barnier, who served in several French cabinet positions and a former European Union politician, ran for France's presidential election in 2022. Earlier in June, French President Macron decided to dissolve the country's parliament and hold snap elections after far-right parties, including Marine Le Pen's National Rally (Rassemblement National, RN), have made significant electoral gains in the recent European Parliament elections. France will hold two rounds of voting on 30 June and 07 July, to elect members of the National Assembly. EPA/CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON

PARIGI, 05 SET - Francia verso l'uscita dall'impasse politica che dura da oltre cinquanta giorni? Secondo l'emittente Bfmtv, l'annuncio del nuovo premier da parte di Emmanuel Macron sarebbe "imminente". Dopo l'ipotesi apparentemente tramontata di Xavier Bertrand e Bernard Cazeneuve, prosegue la rete all news sul suo sito internet, il "favorito" sarebbe ora l'ex ministro, ex commissario a Bruxelles ed ex caponegoziatore Ue per la Brexit, Michel Barnier. Macron avrebbe vagliato la nomina di Barnier questa mattina, insieme ai pesi massimi del suo partito, sempre secondo l'emittente francese. Per il Rassemblement National (Rn) di Marine Le Pen, l'ex commissario Ue Barnier, ultimo nome citato nel toto premier senza fine della Francia, è ''un fossile'' della vita politica, che certo ''non fa sognare'', anche se il partito di estrema destra non dice chiaramente se boccerebbe immediatamente questa scelta come ha invece detto per il repubblicano, Xavier Bertrand. Con Barnier, deplora il deputato lepenista Jean-Philippe Tanguy ai microfoni di France Inter, Macron ''fa in permanenza Jurassic Park, vale a dire che va a cercare dei fossili a cui cerca di ridar vita''.

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