Italia e Estero

Macron nomina Michel Barnier nuovo premier della Francia

epa09162881 Head of the Task Force for Relations with the UK, Michel Barnier attends a debate on EU-UK trade and cooperation agreement during the second day of a plenary session at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, 27 April 2021. EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET / POOL
epa09162881 Head of the Task Force for Relations with the UK, Michel Barnier attends a debate on EU-UK trade and cooperation agreement during the second day of a plenary session at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, 27 April 2021. EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET / POOL

PARIGI, 05 SET - Michel Barnier è stato nominato dal presidente Emmanuel Macron come nuovo premier della Francia: è quanto annuncia l'Eliseo.

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