Italia e Estero

Londra prepara l'evacuazione dei britannici dal Libano

epa11621878 Lebanese people search for their belongings in a damaged building after Israeli strikes on South Lebanon on 23 September, in the village of Al Aqbieh near Sidon, South Lebanon, 24 September 2024. Thousands of people fled southern Lebanon after an evacuation warning by the Israeli army, which on 23 September announced that it had launched 'extensive' airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in the country. According to Lebanon's Ministry of Health, at least 492 people have been killed and more than 1,645 have been injured following continued airstrikes on southern Lebanese towns and villages. EPA/STR
epa11621878 Lebanese people search for their belongings in a damaged building after Israeli strikes on South Lebanon on 23 September, in the village of Al Aqbieh near Sidon, South Lebanon, 24 September 2024. Thousands of people fled southern Lebanon after an evacuation warning by the Israeli army, which on 23 September announced that it had launched 'extensive' airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in the country. According to Lebanon's Ministry of Health, at least 492 people have been killed and more than 1,645 have been injured following continued airstrikes on southern Lebanese towns and villages. EPA/STR

LONDRA, 24 SET - Il governo britannico ha annunciato l'invio di soldati a Cipro per preparare una possibile evacuazione dei suoi cittadini dal Libano, dove lunedì i bombardamenti israeliani contro Hezbollah hanno causato la morte di oltre 500 persone, sollevando il timore di una escalation nella regione. "I cittadini britannici devono lasciare il Libano immediatamente", ha ribadito in una dichiarazione il ministro della Difesa John Healey. Circa 700 soldati britannici saranno inviati "nelle prossime ore" nell'isola del Mediterraneo, precisa il comunicato. Il tutto nell'ambito di "piani di emergenza" per i suoi cittadini in Libano.

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