Italia e Estero

L'Olanda fa ricorso contro stop invio parti F35 a Israele

Netherlands Air Force multirole combat aircraft F35 during exercise Falcon Strike 2022, in Amendola, Italy, 21 November 2022. ANSA/GIUSEPPE LAMI
F35s From Italy, U.S. and The Netherlands Train Together during ÔFalcon Strike 2022 an Italian Air Force training exercise which focuses on fifth and fourth-generation integration between NATO Allies operating the advanced F35A Lightning II stealth fighter. During Falcon Strike, Hecker will also host the F35 European Air Chiefs Meeting, which brings together fifth-generation Allies to discuss F35 interoperability, opportunities, and challenges in a dynamic theater.
Netherlands Air Force multirole combat aircraft F35 during exercise Falcon Strike 2022, in Amendola, Italy, 21 November 2022. ANSA/GIUSEPPE LAMI F35s From Italy, U.S. and The Netherlands Train Together during ÔFalcon Strike 2022 an Italian Air Force training exercise which focuses on fifth and fourth-generation integration between NATO Allies operating the advanced F35A Lightning II stealth fighter. During Falcon Strike, Hecker will also host the F35 European Air Chiefs Meeting, which brings together fifth-generation Allies to discuss F35 interoperability, opportunities, and challenges in a dynamic theater.

BRUXELLES, 12 FEB - I Paesi Bassi presentano ricorso contro la sentenza della Corte d'Appello dell'Aja che ha ordinato lo stop delle consegne a Israele di parti per i caccia F-35. Lo ha annunciato il ministro del Commercio estero e della Cooperazione allo sviluppo, Geoffrey Van Leeuwen. Il governo, si legge in una nota, "è del parere che la fornitura di componenti americani degli F-35 non sia illegale" e che spetti "allo Stato definire la propria politica estera". "Israele - aggiunge Van Leeuwen - ha bisogno degli aerei F-35 per difendersi dalle minacce provenienti dalla regione, separate da Gaza".

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
