Italia e Estero

L'affluenza alle urne in Ue al 51%

epa11400887 Election officials count the votes in the European Parliament and the local elections in the city of Gyor, northwestern Hungary, 09 June 2024, shortly after polling stations closed. The European Parliament elections take place across EU member states from 06 to 09 June 2024. EPA/Csaba Krizsan HUNGARY OUT
epa11400887 Election officials count the votes in the European Parliament and the local elections in the city of Gyor, northwestern Hungary, 09 June 2024, shortly after polling stations closed. The European Parliament elections take place across EU member states from 06 to 09 June 2024. EPA/Csaba Krizsan HUNGARY OUT

BRUXELLES, 09 GIU - L'affluenza alle urne per le elezioni europee si è attestata al 51% rispetto al 50,7% del 2019. Lo ha annunciato il portavoce del Pe Jaume Duch precisando che mancano ancora i dati di alcuni Paesi tra cui l'Italia.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
