Italia e Estero

L'aeroporto di Heathrow chiuso per l'incendio di una centralina

epa11844762 Passengers at the International Arrivals area of Terminal Two at Heathrow Airport near London, Britain, 22 January 2025. Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, has refused to comment in Parliament on leaked government plans to announce a third runway at Heathrow and an expansion of Gatwick and Luton airports. Heathrow is Britain's busiest airport, ranking amongst the highest footfall in the world with 79.2 million passengers passing through its gates. EPA/NEIL HALL
epa11844762 Passengers at the International Arrivals area of Terminal Two at Heathrow Airport near London, Britain, 22 January 2025. Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, has refused to comment in Parliament on leaked government plans to announce a third runway at Heathrow and an expansion of Gatwick and Luton airports. Heathrow is Britain's busiest airport, ranking amongst the highest footfall in the world with 79.2 million passengers passing through its gates. EPA/NEIL HALL

LONDRA, 21 MAR - L'aeroporto di Londra Heathrow è chiuso, e lo sarà per tutto il giorno, a causa dell'incendio di una centralina che ha provocato un'interruzione di corrente. Lo fa sapere la società di gestione. "Heathrow sta subendo un'importante interruzione di corrente. Per garantire la sicurezza dei nostri passeggeri e colleghi, Heathrow rimarrà chiuso fino alle 23:59 del 21 marzo", le 0.59 del 22 in Italia, ha affermato la Heathrow Airport Holdings.

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