La torre della tv di Kharkiv distrutta da un raid russo

epa11231883 Ukrainian firefighters work to extinguish a fire at the site of a rocket attack on an industrial building in the Kholodnohirskyi district of Kharkiv, northeastern Ukraine, 20 March 2024, amid the Russian invasion. At least five people were killed and at least 6 others were injured after a Russian missile strike hit one of the districts of Kharkiv, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine said. The regional military administration reported that a number of people could be trapped under the rubble. EPA/SERGEY KOZLOV
KHARKIV, 22 APR - La torre della televisione di Kharkiv, in Ucraina, è crollata dopo uno raid russo. "Gli occupanti hanno colpito l'infrastruttura televisiva a Kharkiv. Durante l'allarme, i dipendenti erano al riparo. Non ci sono state vittime", ha riferito il governare della regione, Oleg Synegubov, come riporta Unian.
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