La Corte costituzionale romena annulla le elezioni presidenziali

epa11759176 People attend a Pro-Europe rally ahead of the presidential runoff at the University Plaza in downtown Bucharest, Romania, 05 December 2024. Thousands of people and civil rights activists gathered to support European Union core values during a rally ‘Romania Hopes! Every vote counts!', organized by Geeks for Romania NGO and endorsed by the Save Romania Union Party (USR). Romania is set for the second round of presidential election after its top court certified shock first-round result, confirming the lead of independent ultra-nationalist candidate Calin Georgescu, who will face USR liberal leader Elena Lasconi in the second round on 08 December. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT
BUCAREST, 06 DIC - La Corte costituzionale della Romania ha annullato le elezioni presidenziali. Domenica 8 dicembre era previsto il ballottaggio tra la candidata filo-europea Elena Lasconi e quello di estrema destra Calin Georgescu arrivato in testa al primo turno, sullo sfondo di possibili ingerenze russe.
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