Italia e Estero

Kuleba ai 27, 'è il momento di agire, non di discutere'

epa11258442 Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba delivers a statement during NATO’s 75th anniversary celebration in the Agora to commemorate 75 years of NATO foundation during a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Foreign Affairs Ministers meeting in Brussels, Belgium, 04 April 2024. Allied Foreign Affairs Ministers attend a meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs at NATO Headquarters in Brussels on 03-04 April as NATO celebrates its 75th anniversary. On 04 April 1949, the 12 founding countries signed the North Atlantic Treaty, called the Washington Treaty. It committed each member to share the risk, responsibilities, and benefits of collective defense. EPA/OLIVIER MATTHYS
epa11258442 Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba delivers a statement during NATO’s 75th anniversary celebration in the Agora to commemorate 75 years of NATO foundation during a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Foreign Affairs Ministers meeting in Brussels, Belgium, 04 April 2024. Allied Foreign Affairs Ministers attend a meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs at NATO Headquarters in Brussels on 03-04 April as NATO celebrates its 75th anniversary. On 04 April 1949, the 12 founding countries signed the North Atlantic Treaty, called the Washington Treaty. It committed each member to share the risk, responsibilities, and benefits of collective defense. EPA/OLIVIER MATTHYS

LUSSEMBURGO, 22 APR - "Possiamo prevenire gli scenari peggiori se agiamo insieme e senza paura. Oggi abbiamo bisogno di decisioni concrete e coraggiose per fornire all'Ucraina altri sistemi Patriot e SAMP/T, missili, artiglieria e munizioni e altre armi e attrezzature il prima possibile: ora che siete tutti qui al tavolo, è il momento di agire, non di discutere". Lo ha detto il ministro degli Esteri ucraino Dmytro Kuleba in collegamento al consiglio Affari esteri-difesa.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia

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