Italia e Estero

Kiev, maxi attacco russo notturno con 76 missili e droni

epa11304112 People inspect the damage at a regional psychiatric hospital following a rocket attack in Kharkiv, northeastern Ukraine, 27 April 2024. According to the Regional Prosecutor's Office Russia hit the city with two missiles of the S-300 type from the territory of the Belgorod region. In total, Russia used 34 air, ground, and sea-based missiles for the night time shelling of Ukraine as Air Force Command of UA Armed Forces reported. 21 were shot down by Ukrainian troops. As a result of the attack, the enterprise equipment of the four thermal power plants was seriously damaged according to the DTEK Group energy holding report. EPA/GEORGE IVANCHENKO
epa11304112 People inspect the damage at a regional psychiatric hospital following a rocket attack in Kharkiv, northeastern Ukraine, 27 April 2024. According to the Regional Prosecutor's Office Russia hit the city with two missiles of the S-300 type from the territory of the Belgorod region. In total, Russia used 34 air, ground, and sea-based missiles for the night time shelling of Ukraine as Air Force Command of UA Armed Forces reported. 21 were shot down by Ukrainian troops. As a result of the attack, the enterprise equipment of the four thermal power plants was seriously damaged according to the DTEK Group energy holding report. EPA/GEORGE IVANCHENKO

ROMA, 08 MAG - Le forze russe hanno lanciato la notte scorsa un massiccio attacco sull'Ucraina con 55 missili, di cui uno ipersonico, e 21 droni kamikaze: lo ha reso noto su Telegram l'Aeronautica militare di Kiev, sottolineando di avere abbattuto 59 bersagli su 76: 39 missili e 20 velivoli senza equipaggio. Le forze russe hanno lanciato un missile ipersonico Kh-47M2 Kinzhal dalla Regione russa di Tambov, due missili balistici Iskander-M dalla Crimea occupata, quattro missili da crociera Kalibr dalla zona del Mar Nero, 45 missili da crociera Kh-101/Kh-555 da un bombardiere strategico Tu-95 MS (dalla regione russa di Saratov e dall'area del Mar Caspio), un missile da crociera Iskander-K dalla Crimea occupata, due missili guidati Kh-59/Kh-69 dal territorio occupato della regione di Zaporizhzhia e 21 droni kamikaze dall'area di Primorsko-Akhtarsk e della regione di Kursk (entrambe in Russia). Da parte sua, la difesa ucraina ha abbattuto 33 missili da crociera Kh-101/Kh-555, quattro missili Kalibr, due missili guidati Kh-59/Kh-69 e 20 droni.

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