Italia e Estero

Kiev, danni alla flotta russa per 500 milioni di dollari

epa09768521 A handout still image taken from handout video made available by the Russian Defence Ministry press service shows Russian cruiser Moskva of the Black Sea Fleet conducting an artillery battle and destroying a mock enemy submarine in Black Sea near Sevastopol, Crimea, 18 February 2022. Since January 20, a series of major exercises have been taking place on all four fleets of the Russian Navy and the Caspian Flotilla. The Russian Defense Ministry reported that 140 ships and vessels, as well as over 10 thousand military personnel, are participating in them. Six large landing ships are transferred to the Black Sea from the Northern and Baltic Fleets. Two Project 1164 Atlant heavy missile cruiser, Varyag and Marshal Ustinov, are already in the Mediterranean, and a third, Moskva, may join them. Each of them is armed with 16 Vulkan anti-ship missiles. EPA/RUSSIAN DEFENCE MINISTRY PRESS SERVICE HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa09768521 A handout still image taken from handout video made available by the Russian Defence Ministry press service shows Russian cruiser Moskva of the Black Sea Fleet conducting an artillery battle and destroying a mock enemy submarine in Black Sea near Sevastopol, Crimea, 18 February 2022. Since January 20, a series of major exercises have been taking place on all four fleets of the Russian Navy and the Caspian Flotilla. The Russian Defense Ministry reported that 140 ships and vessels, as well as over 10 thousand military personnel, are participating in them. Six large landing ships are transferred to the Black Sea from the Northern and Baltic Fleets. Two Project 1164 Atlant heavy missile cruiser, Varyag and Marshal Ustinov, are already in the Mediterranean, and a third, Moskva, may join them. Each of them is armed with 16 Vulkan anti-ship missiles. EPA/RUSSIAN DEFENCE MINISTRY PRESS SERVICE HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

ROMA, 10 MAG - Con l'aiuto di droni marini senza pilota è stato possibile causare danni alla flotta russa per 500 milioni di dollari: lo ha dichiarato alla tv nazionale il portavoce della direzione dell'intelligence militare ucraina, Andry Yusov, citato da Unian. Yusov ha affermato che il drone ucraino Magura è un mezzo unico per attaccare non solo la flotta nemica, ma anche per distruggere le armi e il personale a bordo delle navi.

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