Italia e Estero

Israele, 'oggi colpiti 1.100 obiettivi di Hezbollah'

epa11621094 Rockets are launched from southern Lebanon toward northern Israel, as seen from the Israeli side of the border, 23 September 2024. The Israeli military announced on 23 September that it launched 'extensive' airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon. Lebanese residents of villages in the Beqaa Valley 'who are inside or near houses where rockets and weapons are stored' have been warned to 'move away immediately! For your safety and protection', the statement added. According to Lebanon's Ministry of Health, at least 274 people have been killed and more than 1,000 others injured following continued Israeli airstrikes on southern Lebanese towns and villages since 23 September morning. EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11621094 Rockets are launched from southern Lebanon toward northern Israel, as seen from the Israeli side of the border, 23 September 2024. The Israeli military announced on 23 September that it launched 'extensive' airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon. Lebanese residents of villages in the Beqaa Valley 'who are inside or near houses where rockets and weapons are stored' have been warned to 'move away immediately! For your safety and protection', the statement added. According to Lebanon's Ministry of Health, at least 274 people have been killed and more than 1,000 others injured following continued Israeli airstrikes on southern Lebanese towns and villages since 23 September morning. EPA/ATEF SAFADI

ROMA, 23 SET - Da questa mattina, l'aeronautica militare israeliana ha colpito più di 1.100 obiettivi di Hezbollah in Libano. Lo ha reso noto l'Idf, aggiungendo che i jet e i droni hanno sparato oltre 1.400 munizioni contro edifici e altri siti in cui Hezbollah aveva immagazzinato razzi, missili, lanciatori e droni che "rappresentavano una minaccia e che erano destinati a essere usati contro Israele". I caccia stanno continuano a colpire anche in serata, è stato precisato, come riportano i media locali.

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