Italia e Estero

Israele-Iran, Aiea: domenica Teheran ha chiuso centrali nucleari

epa09513523 A handout photo made available by the presidential office of the Bushehr nuclear power plant, in city of Bushehr, southern of Iran, 08 October 2021. According to presidential official website Raisi said 'Iran's policy and aim is using nuclear technology peacefully and will not give up' in reference to tension with the US over nuclear talks. EPA/PREASIDENT OFFICE HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa09513523 A handout photo made available by the presidential office of the Bushehr nuclear power plant, in city of Bushehr, southern of Iran, 08 October 2021. According to presidential official website Raisi said 'Iran's policy and aim is using nuclear technology peacefully and will not give up' in reference to tension with the US over nuclear talks. EPA/PREASIDENT OFFICE HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

ROMA, 16 APR - Il direttore generale dell'Agenzia internazionale per l'energia atomica (Aiea), Rafael Grossi, ha detto che l'Iran ha chiuso i suoi impianti nucleari domenica per "motivi di sicurezza". Interrogato sulla possibilità di un attacco di Israele agli impianti nucleari iraniani, Grossi ha dichiarato: "Siamo sempre preoccupati per questa possibilità". E ha esortato a "estrema moderazione".

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