Italia e Estero

Israele,'Hezbollah incita alla rivolta nel sud del Libano'

epa11838442 People sit next to a shop in Bint Jbeil after Lebanese authorities permitted the return of citizens who fled the city during the hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah, Bint Jbeil, southern Lebanon, 20 January 2025. A committee overseeing the ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah declared Bint Jbeil and the town of Ainatha as 'safe areas' after the Lebanese army completed its deployment and allowed residents to return to their home villages. EPA/STR
epa11838442 People sit next to a shop in Bint Jbeil after Lebanese authorities permitted the return of citizens who fled the city during the hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah, Bint Jbeil, southern Lebanon, 20 January 2025. A committee overseeing the ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah declared Bint Jbeil and the town of Ainatha as 'safe areas' after the Lebanese army completed its deployment and allowed residents to return to their home villages. EPA/STR

TEL AVIV, 26 GEN - "Hezbollah sta incitando gli sfollati civili alla rivolta, sta inviando provocatori nel sud del Libano, mentre l'esercito libanese non è riuscito a 'ripulire' la zona dalla minaccia terroristica. E' quello che temevamo". Lo hanno riferito funzionari israeliani a Ynet, sottolineando che gli scontro sono scoppiati da questa mattina presto, proprio a 60 giorni esatti dalla tregua.

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