Italia e Estero

Israele ha dato all'Egitto piano evacuazione civili Rafah

epa11141318 Palestinians from the Ghannam family search for missing people under the rubble after an Israeli air strike targeted their home in the Rafah refugee camp, southern Gaza Strip, 10 February 2024. Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu on 09 February ordered the Israeli military to present a plan of evacuation of Palestinians from Rafah. Nearly 28,000 Palestinians and over 1,300 Israelis have been killed, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), since Hamas militants launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October 2023, and the Israeli operations in Gaza and the West Bank which followed it.  EPA/HAITHAM IMAD
epa11141318 Palestinians from the Ghannam family search for missing people under the rubble after an Israeli air strike targeted their home in the Rafah refugee camp, southern Gaza Strip, 10 February 2024. Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu on 09 February ordered the Israeli military to present a plan of evacuation of Palestinians from Rafah. Nearly 28,000 Palestinians and over 1,300 Israelis have been killed, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), since Hamas militants launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October 2023, and the Israeli operations in Gaza and the West Bank which followed it. EPA/HAITHAM IMAD

TEL AVIV, 13 FEB - Israele ha preparato un piano che prevede l'evacuazione dei civili lungo la costa di Gaza e l'ha presentato all'Egitto. Lo ha riferito il Wall Street Journal (Wsj) secondo cui il piano - in vista dell'annunciata operazione militare dell'esercito nel sud - individua 15 luoghi, con ognuno 25mila tende, che vanno dalla punta sud di Gaza City fino a Moassi, a nord della città di Rafah. A Rafah ci sono oltre 1 milione di palestinesi sfollati, a rischio di essere coinvolti nell'operazione militare. Secondo fonti egiziane, citate dal Wsj, Israele stima che i costi dei campi - con strutture mediche - siano a carico di Usa e Paesi arabi.

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