Italia e Estero

India: incendio in reparto maternità, morti sei neonati

epa11311842 School children escorted by their parents in New Delhi, India, 01 May 2024. About a hundred schools in Delhi and the national capital region received bomb threats early on May 01, prompting evacuations. The national capital's lieutenant governor, VK Saxena, said police had traced the origin of the hoax bomb emails sent to nearly 100 schools. EPA/HARISH TYAGI
epa11311842 School children escorted by their parents in New Delhi, India, 01 May 2024. About a hundred schools in Delhi and the national capital region received bomb threats early on May 01, prompting evacuations. The national capital's lieutenant governor, VK Saxena, said police had traced the origin of the hoax bomb emails sent to nearly 100 schools. EPA/HARISH TYAGI

NUOVA DELHI, 26 MAG - Sei neonati sono morti in un incendio che ha devastato un ospedale pediatrico a Nuova Delhi. Lo riferisce la polizia locale. Durante il rogo che è divampato nel reparto 12 bambini erano stati portati via dalla struttura grazie anche all'intervento delle persone presenti, sei dei 12 neonati erano però già morti quando i medici sono riusciti a soccorrerli, stando a quanto confermato dall'agente di polizia Surendra Choudhary.

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